The ocean…

I grew up around rivers and lakes which while nice never enthralled me.  When I finally saw an ocean I was overcome with the beauty and enormity of it all.  Staring off into the horizon where the sky kisses the water;  that was and still is a beautiful scene to me.  As much as I love swimming and splashing in the ocean, I can be quite content just sitting there listening to the sounds of the waves; sunrise before the masses descend upon the sand is the best.  Of course when it’s a crowded beach there are a lot of sounds that do not fall under the header of ‘peaceful’ but such is humanity and a beach on a warm sunny day.

So whenever I can, I try to visit an ocean and feel renewed.  Plus fresh seafood is definitely a major bonus.  Cannot beat that!


About imagesbytdashfield

Nature and wildlife photographer who loves to see and capture the amazing things in this world. Owner of Images by TDashfield photography.
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9 Responses to The ocean…

  1. Sandhya says:

    Terri, I am spellbound by the ocean too. Its enormity is very humbling to me.
    And yes….. the seafood is definitely a huge bonus 🙂

  2. Mark Myers says:

    That is beautiful. Can’t wait to see the ocean again soon.

  3. I like how this image leads you down the path.

  4. Timothy Price says:

    When I go to the ocean, I look out over the expanse and say “Oooh man! That is a lot of water!”

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