A big thank you!

Some of you may recall my asking for help with a project for Trey and Makayla (aka Thing One & Thing Two the grands) where I asked you to give your name, location and how you said hello where you come from.  Well, I gave them their projects last month and they were highly impressed.  I had them take turns reading each person’s reply and watched their little faces light up as they came to realize that quite a few of you answered my call for help.

I spoke with Thing One last night (Trey) and asked him how did the project go over.  His classmates were impressed and his teacher really liked it.  They used the project to find on the map where each of the states were from those who responded from the United States.  And while they liked each and every reply there was one that got the biggest response (read laugh) from the teacher and class.  This reply came from a wonderfully wacky man from Georgia:

#19 by Mark Myers 

Mark, Georgia, USA, Howsyermama&them? (Really just Hi)

Congratulations, Mark!  You had the entire class saying “Howsyermama&them?” I thank you so much for giving my little man’s class the chuckles and to the rest of you? They were trying to say some of the non-English hellos and there were a few G’day mates going around as well.  It showed them that there are kind people across this land and this world that took the time to help a Super Nana with a project for her grands; it showed them a little bit of the world out there and it’s wonderful and caring people.

Thank you everyone so very much 🙂

About imagesbytdashfield

Nature and wildlife photographer who loves to see and capture the amazing things in this world. Owner of Images by TDashfield photography. www.imagesbytdashfield.com
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15 Responses to A big thank you!

  1. Awesome! Thank you for the update!

  2. How sweet! Thanks so much for the update Teri!

  3. A. Blake says:

    The memories you created for them are priceless!!

  4. Mark Myers says:

    I am totally honored and proud to be spreading southern culture. Wonderfully wacky… brings a tear to the eye.

  5. Mark Myers says:

    Reblogged this on Life in Portsong and commented:
    What an honor to be able to spread southern culture to little children who might go their whole lives without knowing the proper use of “howsyermama&them”

  6. ChgoJohn says:

    Glad to hear that the class enjoyed the responses. What fun!

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