Back in the U.K. – Exeter, Devon, Dartmoor

Part of our trip to England was taking a wonderful quiet car train ride (those things are great) from Paddington Station all the way down to Exeter to spend the day with DH’s aunt and uncle.  It was a great way to see parts of England – without having to drive – that we wouldn’t have seen otherwise.  When we got off the train at the Exeter station we looked around for Aunt P and Uncle R.  Fortunately Uncle R is a rather tall gent so I could see his head over the crowd.  After hugs and hellos it was into their car and off to parts unknown…well at least to me.  DH has been there before.

Uncle R was our tour guide and pointed out so many things that I would’ve happily have spent much more time exploring but we were on a schedule.  Let me tell you something, you haven’t lived until you’ve driven down a country road between enormous hedgerows that are only about one car wide but are two way roads! There are little coves in some parts of the hedgerows where one car pulls over and allows the other one to pass.  That was a bit of entertainment.  The architecture is hundreds if not thousands of years old in some places. We drove past the moors, home to The Hound of the Baskervilles, and we were even fortunate to see the wild ponies of Dartmoor.

Since these photos were taken in 2011 Aunt and Uncle have moved and are now right on the English Channel in Sidmouth.  That should make for some interesting photography when we go and visit them again.

Thatched roof home in Devon

Thatched roof home in Devon

About imagesbytdashfield

Nature and wildlife photographer who loves to see and capture the amazing things in this world. Owner of Images by TDashfield photography.
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14 Responses to Back in the U.K. – Exeter, Devon, Dartmoor

  1. It is so cool to see some homes retaining their thatched roofs. Nice photos

  2. I know exactly what you mean about the narrow country roads because on family vacations we’ve driven along them.. Exciting at times but usually there was not too much traffic. If there are trees on either side of the road, the branches meet overhead and you’re driving down a green tunnel. Lovely!

  3. ChgoJohn says:

    Sounds like a great excursion, Teri, cruising among the hedgerows. Nice that your Uncle could spend time to take you around, even if you had a schedule to contend with. Hopefully, next time you’ll have more time to check some things out.

  4. Lignum Draco says:

    It sounds and looks idyllic.

  5. Ingrid says:

    Don’t you just love the European architecture? I love all the old homes and the character 🙂

  6. DeDivahDeals says:

    Wow, something right out of a movie – I love it, you are truly blessed to have the opportunity to visit and then share these great pics.

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