Grand finale of the orchid show

The annual orchid exhibit at the local conservatory is coming to an end as of this Easter Sunday.  It was fun going to see the gorgeous orchids but it was more fun interacting with the wonderful people I encountered while there.  There was the sweet  Gahana Senior Center group that I had to chase down to re-take their pictures after I goofed big time on some settings leaving me with nothing (I still cringe when I think about that moment).  I shared a lunch table with a woman who had come down from up north to visit a child in college; a complete stranger but we had a lovely time chatting.   And of course there was my favorite – the little flower fairy skipping through the flowers.  So as a fond farewell to this years show, here are a few more pictures of the wonderful orchids.

All different and all beautiful… just like us.  Have a happy and blessed Easter weekend.



About imagesbytdashfield

Nature and wildlife photographer who loves to see and capture the amazing things in this world. Owner of Images by TDashfield photography.
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15 Responses to Grand finale of the orchid show

  1. dhphotosite says:

    Happy Easter to you and DH !!! Teri, these photos are exquisite!!! You go girl!!!

  2. Each one of these photos is worthy of being framed and hung up to admire! Gorgeous photos today… and have a wonderful Easter!! xoxo

  3. terry1954 says:

    they are such beautiful flowers

  4. ChgoJohn says:

    Well, you were right. These orchids are beautiful and if they’re any indication, that must’ve been one heckuva show! This was a great 3-part series, Teri. Thanks for taking us along and have a wonderful Easter!

  5. Beautiful photos, great clarity and detail!

  6. etomczyk says:

    You were right TD, these new pics are just breathtaking! They are definitely frame worthy. I love orchids but i’m “afraid” of them in the sense that they take a lot of work. The perfect amount of light, water, and temperature is what they need, and I am a rough and ready gardener. If the flower and the plants are strong survivors than I’m their caretaker, if not, they need to come to your house where the touch is kinder and gentler. 🙂 Very lovely!

    • Now they do have some now that are called ice cube orchids (I think) that just get 3 ice cubes a week and sun and that is pretty much it. I am happy that you like the photos. Now that spring is here I can move on to other flowers.

  7. Christina says:

    Orchids are my favorite type of flower! They look so exotic and I love all the different colors they come in. So beautiful! 🙂

  8. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

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